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西北, KC学者 partnership to offer up to 50 scholarships while fostering student success, 完成程度

和记棋牌娱乐与 KC学者 that establishes a partnership between two institutions that have significant impacts on the regional economy 和 workforce while providing additional access to support services that enable student success.

With 西北’s Board of Regents’ ratification May 4 of a memor和um of agreement, the University 和 KC学者 are linking to offer scholarship opportunities for traditional college students 和 adult learners as well as college savings matches.

当你的工作和个人生活结合在一起时,你会感到无比的满足. Clarence Green, 西北’s interim president during the 2022-23 academic year, 说. “To partner with KC学者 和 create access for students whose circumstances at this point of their lives are very similar to where I began is meaningful. 整个西北社区都对这个机会感到兴奋.

通过协议条款, KC学者和和记棋牌娱乐希望提供10美元的奖学金,每年可招收多达50名合格学生, 从2024年秋季开始,至少持续到2030年. 另外, 西北加入了KC学者高等教育网络, 哪些项目允许获得KC奖学金的学生获得传统奖学金, adult learner scholarship or college savings match to apply their award at 西北.

KC学者 will select students to receive 西北 scholarships through its established award process, based on the student’s desire to attend the University 和 a minimum unweighted cumulative high school GPA of 3.25.

一旦获得, 学生必须申请并获得和记棋牌娱乐的录取, 除了在2月6日之前完成FAFSA之外. 他们高中最后一年的第一天.

KC学者 award recipients who attend 西北 will receive funding on an annual basis, 和 a recipient may be granted a renewal for four additional academic years as long as they maintain a 2.0的绩点, 有大学住房合同和膳食计划吗, 并满足FAFSA每个学年的截止日期. 获奖者还必须在KC学者中有良好的信誉.

We are thrilled to be partnering with KC学者 和 look forward to many of their scholarship recipients selecting 和记棋牌娱乐 as their choice for higher education,” Dr. Allison Hoffmann, 西北’s assistant vice president of admissions 和 student success, 说. “西北 is committed to creating pathways for students to access higher education, 这一伙伴关系体现了这一承诺. 另外, 和记棋牌娱乐关注学生的成功, we remain deeply committed to supporting students through postsecondary completion. It is truly an honor to be part of the KC学者 Postsecondary Network 和 working 关闭ly together to transform the region.

2016年推出, KC学者 is a scholarship 和 student support program for students 和 adults who classify with low 和 modest incomes 和 reside in the counties of Wy和otte 和 Johnson in Kansas 和 Cass, 粘土, 杰克逊和普拉特在密苏里州. It offers more than 650 scholarships annually with a goal of helping 75 percent of its recipients complete a credit-bearing credential or degree 和 80 percent of college graduates entering the regional workforce with a family-sustaining career.

Scholarship recipients attend only the higher education institutions with which KC学者 has entered into a memor和um of agreement.

This partnership with 和记棋牌娱乐 creates an amazing opportunity for more Kansas City area students to realize their dreams of a college degree,娜塔莉·刘易斯, KC学者的首席运营官, 说. “At KC学者 we believe in the impact of education on the financial stability of the next generation. Helping to support the dreams of so many through their investment in education by providing these scholarships shows the commitment 西北 Missouri State has to the community 和 those are the types of partnerships we strive to build.


入学人数约为8人,500名学生, 和记棋牌娱乐是男女同校, primarily residential four-year university that offers a broad range of undergraduate 和 selected graduate programs on its Maryville campus as well as its 西北-Kansas城市 位置和通 西北在线.

成立于1905年, 和记棋牌娱乐拥有很高的保留率, 和 results of 2021 Ruffalo Noel Levitz Student Satisfaction Inventory show 西北 students are more satisfied than students at national peers 和 80 percent of 西北 students report they would repeat their University experience, compared to 77 percent of students surveyed nationally at their respective institutions. 另外, 西北’s graduation rate is in the 95th percentile among its peers.

此外, 98 percent of 西北 bachelor’s degree earners 和 nearly 100 percent of master’s degree earners secure employment or continue their education within six months of graduation, 根据最近的数据. 

西北 places a high emphasis on profession-based learning to help graduates get a jumpstart on their careers. Students have opportunities to build their résumés with experiences on campus in nearly every area of study, 包括 霍勒斯·曼实验学校国家公共广播电台附属机构KXCV, R.T. 赖特农场, Mozingo户外教育休闲区 or Knacktive是一家以学生为导向的整合数字营销传播机构. In conjunction with its emergency 和 disaster management program, 西北 organizes 和 hosts 密苏里州的希望, an annual mass casualty training exercise that attracts first responders 和 emergency workers from throughout the nation 和 provides h和s-on training in preparation for a natural disaster.

此外, its vibrant 和 diverse learning community offers more than 150 student organizations, 和 包括课本和笔记本电脑 在学费, 哪个是全国最低的, 估计为学生节省6美元,四年800美元. 和记棋牌娱乐也提供1,200个学生就业岗位, allowing students to build professional skills through its internationally benchmarked student employment program. 

有关西北航空公司及其业绩的更多信息,请访问 0r6h.sitecata.com/aboutus/facts/.


Dr. 马克Hornickel

